On the blog

How important is warming up?

April 18, 2023


​ How important is warming up? really? Do you tend to skip the warm up? It’s important. It might not feel important because isn’t necessarily hard and what impact will it have if it’s not? Also, many of us find it quite boring and if we are short of time it’s easy to push that […]

Health, Motivation, Personal Training, Uncategorized

Improving your health.

April 12, 2023

With your best  intentions and your motivation is on top you embark on improving your health.  You make an effort to be physically active and exercise more in order to improve your health. The expectation is that it will be somewhat hard and you will work up a sweat. You’ve had a proper workout.  You […]

Are you exercising too much?

November 23, 2022

Health, Motivation, Personal Training

What is a sign your are exercising too much? There are many signs but this one in particular is an obvious one.  So what is it? Well if you are dreading the thought of exercising, working out being physically active, that is a sign you are exercising too much. The same goes if you are […]


How many steps a day should I do?

October 3, 2022

How many steps a day should you do? Does 10 000 sound familiar?  Something that most don’t know is that the number 10 000 steps comes from a Japanese marketing campaign for a pedometer. There are studies that shows you get increased health benefits and decreased mortality risk around 6000-8000 steps. After you reach 6000-8000 […]

You will get results.

August 25, 2022

Health, Motivation, Personal Training

You will get results, every person knows what to do to improve their health however your brain tells you that you don’t know what to do. Your brain will get you to think, I mustn’t know what to do since I haven’t been able to make a change so far. That’s why it’s so confusing […]

Motivation, Personal Training

Do you want accountability?

August 11, 2022

​Quite often new clients expect that I will hold them accountable for things that we discuss and agree on they will do outside of our time together. Do you want accountability? Do you have that feeling that you wont move, exercise etc on you own unless you have someone who will hold you accountable?​ Accountability […]

What to do to improve your health?

July 27, 2022

Health, Motivation

What should you do to improve your health? More importantly, do you enjoy what you are currently doing for your health?​One of the first questions I get asked from clients is, what should I do to improve my health and or fitness?​ Asking this makes of course sense. You are working with me to get […]

Health, Motivation, Personal Training

What happens when you don’t have time for your health?

June 27, 2022

I will be breaking down what happens when you don’t have time for your health in this post. In my experience, we often only think we don’t have enough time. I can imagine you thinking what does she mean? I work 50 + hours a week, I have kids, I have other family commitments and […]

Can being healthy be effortless?

June 13, 2022

Health, Motivation, Personal Training

Can being healthy be effortless? I like to ask new clients, can being healthy be effortless? The first thought many have is that you need to go to a gym to get fit and healthy.  Without even realising you are jumping to this conclusion. ​ ​ The gym is great though. But if it’s not […]

Health, Injuries, Personal Training, Uncategorized

Is HIIT training effective?

June 3, 2022

What is the deal with HIIT training? Is it as good for you as we might think? Is HIIT training effective?  I’ll go into all this in this article and hopefully I can make sense of some questions you might have.  There is a higher risk of injury with HIIT training than with something slower […]