On the blog

Tips on staying healthy.

September 16, 2021

Health, Motivation, Personal Training

My best tips on staying healthy is to set yourself up so that you have little chance of making a decision you are not quite happy with. Ok so what is it I’m talking about? The theory is that you form a sort of contract with yourself to help with decision making. How to make […]


Work-life Balance

September 4, 2021

Work-life balance is a big topic but so important. We hear more people talk about it. I talk about it with my private clients. But It also feels like it’s still superficial. We know it’s important, we want to improve on it but how? And who’s in charge of making the big changes that are […]

Is work affecting your health?

Is work affecting your health?

August 19, 2021

Health, Personal Training

Do you find yourself at a stage where you notice how your work is affecting your health? Often it’s long and stressful hours combined with high pressure. Perhaps that has led to some unhealthy food and drink habits. Often there is little or no time for consistent movement and physical activity. If there is some […]

Health, Injuries, Personal Training

Ellen Dyverfeldt

Top 3 tips to a more resilient body body.

July 22, 2021

People are becoming more and more health aware.  I also see frustration in how people feel about how their body performs on a daily basis. To have a sore lower back or a knee that gets stiff and painful after long bots form sitting can be disheartening. I’m on a mission to help people get […]

Glass of wine

Alcohols effect on our body.

July 8, 2021

Food, Health

Probably not the most exciting topic, Alcohols effect on our body. But something I think is underestimated. Like most things most people know they could do with reducing alcohol intake. Because we know it’s not good for us in loose terms we might not put as much weight behind it as we do with our diet […]

Health, Injuries, Personal Training

Group of people

Is work affecting your health?

June 24, 2021

Work affecting your health should not be the case but it’s the reality for many people.  I work with people in high pressure and stressful jobs where time is in constant shortage and often under a lot of stress that can wear you down.  Prioritising your health It’s not that easy when work traditions and […]


How to minimise Injury at work.

June 10, 2021

Health, Injuries, Personal Training

How to minimise injury at work due to sitting down too much has been a fascination if not even a frustration of mine for quite some time. I see it often with my 1:1 clients, they have  back, neck, shoulder and knee pain. I also see tight hips and painful knees. These are areas where […]


excercise equipment

How long does it take to get fit and healthy?

February 11, 2021

Is there a straight road to fitness and health? To most people’s frustration when they ask how long will it take? I give the answer, it depends. We all know there are 6-week transformation programs out there that should get you fit and healthy. Promising to give you the body you want but do they […]

Ellen, personal trainer

What does health really mean?

January 12, 2021

Health, Motivation

What is health for you? For a lot of people health is associated with a healthy weight and if you look healthy then you must be healthy, right? I say no, that is not necessary. As an easy and a bit exaggerated example, if someone is at a healthy weight and looks healthy and they […]


balancing a book

Can we be healthy without sleep?

December 29, 2020

What does sleep got to do with being healthy? Let’s start by briefly talking about sleep, it’s the best way to manage stress. Stress is the component that links a lot of symptoms together. When we feel anxious and stressed we then often resort to foods that make us temporarily feel good. Often this is […]