What should you do to improve your health? More importantly, do you enjoy what you are currently doing for your health?
One of the first questions I get asked from clients is, what should I do to improve my health and or fitness?
Asking this makes of course sense. You are working with me to get my expertise and help.
But often what is not considered when asking this question is, what do I like to do.
This is highly important when it comes to consistency, effortless and rewarding health.
I help you to take a step further and explore why exactly you want to do this thing (the thing being any habit that will support your goal )
If you could choose any physical activity/movement/exercise without regard to what your goals are what would that be? What would that look like in your life?
How would you support your lifestyle with other healthy habits?
These things are key when you are building a rewarding and effortless foundation that you can rely on for a lifetime.
What physical activity would you like to do?
P.S If you feel you want more consistency and would like help, I can help you. Go to my resource page HERE and book in a consultation and then we take it from there.
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Online-based female personal trainer for individuals who are committed to improving their health through movement.