Taking responsibility because your health matters is the difference between knowing why you aren’t feeling and being healthy and what to do next to be and feel healthy… or not.
When your result is someone or something else’s fault, and something you can’t control, it’s easy to be confused and not know. To feel lost.
You will have lots of questions without simple answers.
What should I be working on?
But where do I go from here?
How should I spend my time?
Why can’t I stay motivated?
How do I get the result I want?
These questions seem legitimate.?
I say Yes and No.
They are questions from a confused mind.
Questions from not taking responsibility.
You know enough to make a change towards your health. I bet that it’s not for lack of knowledge but for not truly looking at what you are responsible for.
Like – thoughts, actions, certain circumstances, and how you decide to act in situations etc.
I however know that taking responsibility is the hardest part when it comes to making changes. Because we don’t feel like we are not taking responsibility.
Once you start taking responsibility thing swill become easy and the effortless.
The other thing I often see is that most people underestimates how long its going to take to change habits and mindsets. The time it will take to fully feel in control and where you feel healthy is hard to say but its not 12 weeks. That is just the start!
The process can feel something like this…
You feel motivated and ready to get things going
Then it feels like its hard to change habits. You forget to do something or something got in the way and you don’t feel consistent.
But you stay calm and and keep working on you new habit its starts to feel easier.
Something comes up again a niggle, holiday or a kitchen renovation. It can feel a bit harder again but not as hard like in the beginning. Because NOW you have had time to practice.
Then whiteout knowing it, its effortless and its a no brainier to make sure your new habits are practiced. You feel great from doing so. You have more energy, better focus less niggles and pain and it is effortless and rewarding.
I think this is called some tough love but there you have it.
Your health matters!
P.S If you want help you can download A simple start guide to effortless health for FREE.
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Online-based female personal trainer for individuals who are committed to improving their health through movement.