Actually I saw a instagram post about this question and I thought it was an excellent one. I get extremely grumpy, restless when I don’t exercise. I notice that my productivity and drive gets much lower when I am not able to train. However I have quite recently (in the last 2+ years) lowered my training volume. Its due to moving countries twice and injuries that are still being dealt with. I can admit that in the beginning it freaked me out. I might not be able to do a half ironman or swim 10k on a whim but my body will hold together for longer. My biggest drive these days is to make sure that my body will be as strong as possible. And keep me going for as long as possible. One thing worse than not being able to train in high volume is not to be able to train at all.
training for aesthetic reasons has never been the main reason but it has been a reason nonetheless.
Well first thing that having a reason to train for helps with, is motivation and staying consistent. When we don’t feel like exercising it’s good to have a reason why we do it in the first place. It will remind us that yes I do feel better when I exercise, I will be more resilient to injuries, it will help me focus at work.
It always helps to know why you do certain exercises or activities. We might have exercises that we don’t like so much and tend to want to skipp, but they are there for a reason. Knowing that will help us to do it consistently and not once in a while.
It helps us to track progress. In the end of the day it’s always nice to see we get some payoff for the work we put in and so to have something to measure up against will help us see that.
So what is your reason to train?
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Online-based female personal trainer for individuals who are committed to improving their health through movement.